The average house price on TWENTYMANS WALK is £417,139
The most expensive house in the street is 6 TWENTYMANS WALK with an estimated value of £581,223
The cheapest house in the street is 20 TWENTYMANS WALK with an estimated value of £290,602
The house which was most recently sold was 4 TWENTYMANS WALK, this sold on 4 Dec 2009 for £312,495
The postcode for TWENTYMANS WALK is LS10 4FG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
18 TWENTYMANS WALK Terraced £361,271 £204,995 24 Oct 2008
4 TWENTYMANS WALK Detached £544,082 £312,495 4 Dec 2009
6 TWENTYMANS WALK Detached £581,223 £310,000 13 Apr 2009
12 TWENTYMANS WALK Detached £308,520 £192,995 25 Apr 2008
20 TWENTYMANS WALK Terraced £290,602 £154,995 23 Apr 2009